Choking ,bleeding,
fractures anything we
can face but can't avoid
in the name of lack of
knowledge or skills.
The Critical First Minutes There could be many incidents for what we can repent, but we can also stop those fatal incidents if we put in a little effort.
A child named Shamim Akhtar lost his life at the tender age of two and half years on 26th May, 2024 due to choking of a litchi seed.
According to the source of news (Siliguri Times) it was reported that the boy ate the fruit and the seed got stuck in his windpipe while he was playing with his mates and his parents tried to take him to hospital but unfortunately he died. When something get stuck in windpipe the supply of oxygen is obstructed after 4 minutes which inturn causes brain death gradually.An adult person may survive upto 15 minutes depending on the remaining oxygen level in the victim's body as the brain cells collapsed. If oxygen supply is obstructed the brain cells stops working and the highest paid hospitals also would be unable to treat the patients in this condition. If his parents or anyone around were skilled with lifesaving trainings perhaps they could have tried their best while taking him to the hospital. Danger never informs before it arrives so it is our responsibility to be knowledgeable and trained with such skills so that we can try to save our or someones beloved. In present situation we don't get enough transport support when it is crucially required and with the trainings we can try to save a life even without wasting time until we get facilities and reach hospital. Choking ,bleeding, fractures anything we can face but can't avoid in the name of lack of knowledge or skills. BE AWARE !!!