Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 09.00 PM
Time to give Time

"It's time to log in", "Hey why haven't you poked me?", "Please knock me in whatsApp" , "Your cart is ready"...... Now a days parents are busy with all these messages. It may be a log in notification in laptop for working from home or invitations from social media. Mothers are engaged in kitty parties to show their new dresses ordered in various apps or new furnitures that have brighten the living rooms. They are so busy in maintaining personal standards that they have set up by their own. Unfortunately a child has become a liability for new aged parents. They want child to proof they can become parents but can't sacrifice or compromise their social lives. They engage a baby sitter to look after the baby and the baby is well habituated with this person. They have to earn a lot to provide bills and rents and at the end of the day they become tired so can't spare time with children. During old days mothers were everything, they managed home and children and spent time so there was a bonding between a mother and children. The children were mostly not aware of psychological sessions because they got their parents with them to share everything. Now we can say due extreme inflammation both the parents are working hard to give all happiness to their children but simultaneously they should spare some time also. Loneliness is a great disease that can grasp your child any time. Don't let your child feel that he or she means nothing to you. Keep yourself a little away from social media and be associated with your child and give moral education, be the source of mental strength and must be a support. Once a distance is created between a child and parents it's not possible for the parents to make feel responsible again. Don't make a situation that your child needs a psychological session because of you.